This article will be going over how to build a new project as well as how to flash it using the GUI Flash Tool
- Download the latest MCUXpresso IDE (Click here for step by step instructions).
- Connect JTAG to Micro (Click Here for step by step instructions).
How to Build the Project
1. Once project imported build project using hammer on the top left as follow
2. Once the build is complete upload on the board using GUI Flash Tool
How to Flash Firmware Using GUI Flash Tool
1. Once the project is built use the GUI tool to flash the firmware
2. Once Built connect the debugger to the Test PC (i.e. J-Link or PE Micro Debugger)
3. In MCUXpresso click on the GUI Flash Too
4. Select the debugging probe
5. Under Target Operations → Program → Options, load the Manufacturing Test Code Hex
file → hit file system → navigate to the RTCAM test package folder → select “rtcam.asf”
file or user can upload a pre complied Hex file instead od rtcam.asf
6. Press run and accept.
7. Once the uploading is complete the correct test firmware has been flashed
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