It may be necessary to open the Maivin enclosure for access to the board internal features, such as the uSD card socket, USB port for system recovery etc. Access to all accessible features can be completed by simply removing the bottom enclosure shell.
Required Items
- Maivin vision sensor
- 1.5mm Hex Key (Included with Maivin starter kit).
Start by placing the unit face down on the desk (heatsink down).
Using the 1.5mm Hex Key, remove the four screws holding the enclosure together.
Gently seperate and remove the bottom enclosure. In some cases the front or rear boards may stick in the enclosure, just gently pull the boards out of the bottom enclosure and let them sit in the top enclosure.
Once the bottom enclosure has been removed, full access to the board is available. Be careful to not pull on any flex cables, and observe safe static practices to prevent static shocks to the board.
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