This article describes how to SSH into a Maivin, and some basic commands you can use to provide some basic information about your Maivin if you have found an issue.
The 'torizon' account is effectively the root account of the Maivin device. Using this account can cause irreparable harm to the software internals of the device.
As part of the initial SSH session, you will be asked to change the default password. PLEASE REMEMBER THIS PASSWORD! If you forget, you will be unable to SSH into the device without a reinstall.
You need an SSH client (OpenSSH, PuTTY, etc.) to SSH into the Maivin
The Initial SSH Session
First, verify that your Maivin is turned on and connected to the network. The hostname is printed on the bottom of the Maivin. In all of these examples, the Maivin we will use is "verdin-imx8mp-06976895".
In a Windows command prompt, ping the Maivin's hostname. If you are using Linux or MacOS, please postpend ".local" to the hostname.
If the Maivin does not reply, please confirm the Maivin is powered on and connected to the network.
Once the ping is successful, use your SSH client to connect to the 'torizon' account on the Maivin's hostname. For a command-line SSH such as OpenSSH, this should look as:
ssh torizon@Maivin-hostname
For example:
On the first log of a new or updated Maivin, you may get the "authenticity of host" error. This is expected, and type "yes" to continue connecting.
You will be asked for a password for the 'torizon' account. On a new Maivin, the default password is 'torizon'. On some Maivins, this password may already be set to '1' (the digit 'one'). If the password is already set to '1', change it using the 'passwd' command.
On a new Maivin, it will ask you to change the default password to a new password. Re-enter the 'torizon' password, and then enter a new password twice. After you change the default password, the SSH session will close so you can re-login with the new password.
Once you've finished those steps, the next and all future SSH sessions should look as follows:
You are now at the Linux command-line prompt for the Maivin!
Gathering information from the Maivin
Here are some simple commands to gather information from the Maivin.
The version of the Maivin can be determined from the output of the "uname -a" command.
This information can be used by Au-Zone to determine the version of your operating system.
You can also gather versions of the dockers that are running in your Maivin with the "docker image ls" command:
To log out of the Maivin's SSH console, just type 'exit'.
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